Monday, 25 April 2016

Meditation to promote dreaming music by Hans Zimmer - Time (Inception)

Closing my eyes and meditating to this song is amazing, the rising melodies make vivid thoughts come alive and drown. Find this one to more suitable for a morning meditation as it's got a strong power feel to it with a quick snap to action at the end.

Do you have any songs you like to meditate to or that get's you in the zone to start a session? I'm experimenting trying to find different songs to listen to while falling asleep and seeing if that promotes a better sleep. Leave your comments below.

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Tony Robbins Key to Success, Wealth, and Fulfillment with Lewis Howes

Very inspiring story. What is your dream you might not be living? For me it was when i finally decided to leave my high salry job to try set up my own business. Whats your 'moment' and how has it gone for you so far? Leave your comment below